City-Lord: Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. With so many outfits being earned post-completion, players should unlock the best abilities in Guardians of the Galaxyas soon as possible.
Sleek-Lord: Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Social-Lord: Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Sun-Lord: Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Space-Lord: Complete Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
These are all of the outfits for Star-Lord and their locations in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Five of Star-Lord's outfits can't be earned until after beating Guardians of the Galaxy, so he'll have the same amount of in-game outfits to find as every other Guardian. Star-Lord has a wide variety of costumes, from space tech to '80s themed outfits. Every Star-Lord Outfit in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy With the exception of chapters 9, 11, 15, and 16, players should expect to find crawls spaces and hard-to-reach places containing a Guardian outfit. Players who pre-ordered Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy did receive an outfit for each character, but these are outfits that can be found in-game as each location is explored. Additionally, several Star-Lord outfits are received after beating Guardians of the Galaxy. Nearly every chapter has at least one outfit for players to unlock in Guardians of the Galaxy. Related: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Which Contraband You Should Hide (& Why) A crafting component icon will pop up in the top right corner of the HUD to indicate when these items are nearby. Be sure to craft the Components Localizer early on, one of the best perks in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy that allows Star-Lord to see when crafting components are nearby. Many of the outfits are in secret areas that have crafting materials scattered throughout the tight spaces. Finding every costume takes a little time and exploration throughout almost every chapter of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. While Star-Lord has 13 different outfits that players can unlock and choose from, every other Guardian has eight. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy features many outfits that players can unlock in-game for every character.